—Daughter Cards
MPC5777C EVB User Guide, Rev. 0
The connection of CAN and LIN interface from Power SBC to MCU has to be enabled by respective
jumper as described in
Table 11.
Table 11: PowerSBC CAN & LIN jumper selection
Jumper Setting (* - Default)
LIN Master/Slave Selection
1-2: Master Mode*
Open: Slave Mode
CAN/LIN Selection
SBC/ Mother Board
2-3, 5-6 : Select CAN from Mother Board*
8-9, 11-12: Select LIN from Mother Board*
1-2, 4-5 : Select CAN from PowerSBC
7-8, 10-11: Select LIN from PowerSBC
CAN Termination
1-3: Enable CANL Termination*
2-4: Enable CANH Termination*
Reset Circuit
To enable standalone use, the reset circuitry is placed on the daughter card. It consists of a reset
switch (SW2) that is connected to reset pins RESET_B via jumpers. It is also connected to the signal
RST-SW_B that is connected to the mother board to reset peripherals and RST_B from PowerSBC is
connected to MCU RESET_B via jumper in order to assert RESET from PowerSBC. RSTOUT_B
from MCU is connected with LED to indicate the individual reset situations.
Due to the existence of chip internal Low Voltage Detect (LVD) and High Voltage Detect (HVD)
circuits the EVB does not provide external voltage monitoring.
The EVB reset circuit provides the following functionality: It is indicated if the device is in reset
through the red LED D8. The reset switch SW2 can be used to reset the MCU. The reset switch signal
is connected to the MCU reset signals RESET (through jumper J23, J27) and the connections can be
released by lifting the respective jumper. Pushing the reset switch will also reset peripherals that are
connected to the board reset signal RST-SW. Orange LED D10 indicates when this signal is driven
low by the reset switch (SW2).
Additionally Power SBC has option to reset the MCU by setting jumper J523 (3-4). Various jumpers
setting to reset MCU are detailed in
Table 12.
Table 12: Reset circuit jumper settings
Jumper Setting
J23 & J27
Connect reset switch circuit
to RESET pin
1-2: connect to MCU RESET_B
Connect Power SBC reset
to MCU Reset
3-4: SBC_RSTB connect to RESET_B