vehicle. Always keep your body clear of your Scooter to
prevent entrapment.
Always make certain your scooter tyres and your ramp
surface is dry, failure of observe this warning could make
your Scooter unstable and put you in a dangerous situation.
Always make certain your ramps are at a sufficiently
low angle to maintain good stability and climbing
adhesion. Failure to observe this warning could put you
in a dangerous situation.
Never ride on your Scooter when loading it into a vehicle,
failure to observe this warning could put you in dangerous
Always use a ramp with a designed load specification which
is capable of carrying your Scooter, failure to observe this
warning could put you in dangerous situation.
Always make certain that your Scooter and any ancillary
part is correctly strapped into your carrying vehicle to
prevent forward or reward movement during normal
driving or in the case of severe braking. Most of modern
vehicles have 'loading eyes' situation in the carrying
vehicles floor, use these with suitable straps to prevent
your Scooter moving.
Always make certain your scooter drive system
is in the engaged position.
For convenience, you may want to dismantle your scooter to
allow it to be transported in a smaller space. Your Scooter
can be dismantled into six individual parts (see fig 31, page
23). To enable Scoter to be dismantled and transported
follow these simple instructions. This procedure can be
carried out without tools.
1. Drive your Scooter close to the vehicle into which
you are about to load it. You may need some assistance
to life the components once your machine is dismantled.
2. Switch off your scooter. First remove the seat by releasing
the 'black' locking lever. Rotate the 90 to the right
or left , lift the seat upwards slightly twisting.This will
1. Remove your seat or fold down the backrest as necessary.
2. Lower the steering handlebars sufficiently to allow the
handlebars clearance under the top of your tail gate
entry, lock handlebars into position with black locking lever.
3. Set you 'Hi/Lo' speed switch into 'Lo' position(see fig 11
No.2, page9)
4. Set your speed 'min-max' adjustment dial (see fig11 No.1)
to a suitable power output to climb the ramp angle safely.
5. Switch Scooter 'on' and gently operate the speed control
lever, to make a slow and controlled accent of ramp.
6. When you have safety loaded your Scooter into your
vehicle switch off the power switch. Load ramp into vehicle.
To unload your scooter from your car follow points to 1
to 6 in reverse order.
Always make certain that you are on level ground when
loading and unloading your Scooter from your carrying
FIG 21
FIG 22
FIG 23
FIG 24
FIG 25