gentle operation, and clockwise towards maximum to
increase your speed.
When attempting to climb
obstacles, you will need to set the dial to a high setting.
Remember the higher position you set your speed dial to,
the faster your Scooter will travel. Caution: The speed
adjustment dial(1)works in conjunction with the Hi/Low
speed switch (2),if both are set to their lowest settings
there may not be sufficient power delivered to the motor
to drive your Scooter, in this case turn the speed dial up
to a higher setting.
Located on the left side of your
console this switch controls the maximum high (Hi) and
low (Lo) speed range for your
When riding on the pavement or in shopping areas the low
4mphspeed range must be engaged,
the low speed range is chosen a 'red' warning light (see
fig 11 No.7) will illuminate. The Hi/Lo speed range switch
can be operated while the Scooter is in motion.
Please note the Hi/Lo speed swith works in conjunction
with the speed adjustment dial (see fig 11 No.1) and the
forward/reverse speed lever; the speed dial must be set to
it's highest setting for maximum speed in both Hi and Lo
speed settings.
This rocker type switch controls
the function of the front and rear lights. Simply push down
on the left side for 'on' and the right side for 'off'.
Located at the bottom
right of your console, the direction indicator lights for
right and left manoeuvers are controlled by this switch.
When making a turning manoeuvre on the road the
appropriate switch direction should be made. Simply,
when turning right 'flick' the switch to the right, you will
note a warning 'bleeper' is audible and the appropriate
direction warning light (see fig 11 No.6) Will flash. To
cancel the direction indicator return the switch to the
centre position. The left direction indicators are activated
by 'flicking' the switch to the left.
Please note
the direction indicators are not self-cancelling.Warning:
Please be aware to test the function of your direction
lights before each journey. Failure to observe this warning
could put you and other road users into a dangerous
situation. If in the event a direction indicator bulb fails,
you will note the direction warning light (see fig 11 No.6)
on your console flashing quicker than normal, in this
situation the appropriate bulb should be substituted.
Located at the top
of your console. This is a 10 bar segmented colour
illuminated display which indicates when your Scooter is
switched on, it also displays the status of the batteries, the
speed controller and the Scooter's electrical system.
When your Scooter is switched on, after
half a second, the coloured bars will illuminate to show the
level of charge in your batteries. If the batter gauge
displays red, yellow and green your batteries are fully
Hi/Lo speed Switch:
Front/Rear Light Switch:
Direction Indicator Light Swithc:
Batter Gauge/Status Indicator Light:
Battery Gauge':
this is a lega
requirement and must be adhered to at all times.
Hi/Lo speed Switch:
Front/Rear Light Switch:
Direction Indicator Light Swithc:
Batter Gauge/Status Indicator Light:
Battery Gauge':
charged and you are ready to drive. As the power is used
up in your batteries the bar indication will move towards
the red sector indicating the state of charge at thaat precise
If the batter gauge displays red and yellow, then your
batteries have lost charge and they should be recharged as
soon as you can, but you will still have power to spare.
When the battery gauge falls into the red sector, either
steady or flashing slowly, then you should charge your
batteries without delay.
It is not recommended to drive your Scooter regularly with
the batter charge indication in the yellow to red sector, as
this will shorten batter life. It is wise to re-charge your
batteries after each journey especially as it enters the
yellow to red sectors of your battery gauge(see Batteries
and Battery Charging section of this manual ) Note:When
driving up steep slopes or similar obstacles your
Scooter's motor will be working hard, the battery
gauge may move towards the red sector, it will recover
towards the green sector once the load on your motor is
reduced, this does not indicate low batteries.
When you turn your
Scooter on, after half a second the battery
bar gauge will illuminate at a constant rate indicating the
state of charge level in your batteries. The battery bar
gauge is connected to a very sophisticated diagnostic
system which can identify faults should they occur on the
main speed control system or some other part of your
Scooter's electronic drive system .If in the unlikely event a
fault should occur with your
Scooter you can
find out what has happened by counting the number of
bars that are flashing on the battery gauge. For instance if
your batteries run low on power, the status indication will
flash slowly one bar, indicating that the batteries need
recharging or that there is a poor connection to the
batteries. The Battery Status Bar Gauge detects 8 similar
fault diagnostic signals, reference to these diagnostic codes
is found under 'Basic fault finding' on page31.
This green light will illuminate
when the direction indicator switch is activated to the right
for a right turn and to the left for a left turn. The light will
also flash at a higher rate than normal to indicate a bulb
failure in one of the front or rear direction lights.
This red light will
illuminate when the Hi/Lo speed switch is engaged in the
slow speed position, see also point No.2 above -Hi/Lo
speed switch.
Located on the right side of your
control console. Insert the key and turn clockwise .This
controls the power to your speed control system. You will note
that after half a second the battery condition gauge will
illuminate with a solid light. Your Scooter is now ready to
drive. To switch off your Scooter turn the key anti-clockwise.
Remove the key when your vehicle is left unattended.
Do Not switch to 'off' when your Scooter
Status Warning Indicator':
Direction Warning Light:
4m.p.h. Lo Speed Warning Light :
On-Off Power Switch:
Status Warning Indicator':
Direction Warning Light:
4m.p.h. Lo Speed Warning Light :
On-Off Power Switch: