ADS-B FDL-DB Dual Band Series
Installation Manual
Document No. 88552 Rev A
FFS Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.
Figure 27: FDL-DB Series set netserver help menu
Refer to Section and for information on selecting network server
port control and functionality settings. Display Output Settings
This section describes configuration settings for controlling traffic display output typically for
legacy displays.
“set max trgs” Command
This command sets the maximum number of targets to be sent on any configured serial or
ARINC 429 port configured for traffic display output. This is typically used to limit the number of
traffic targets for displays that can process a large number of traffic targets.
Figure 28: FDL-DB Series set max trgs command
“set cheltonCSA” Command
This command enables/disables the (Conflict Situational Awareness) CSA bit in the Heartbeat
message of the “Traffic-Alert” protocol. This parameter defaults to “disable” and should
be set to “enable” when interfacing to a Chelton FlightLogic Display. The Chelton display is not
TSO-C195a compliant and requires this Heartbeat message bit to be set or it will generate an