The Vibration Generator no. 2185.00 is a robust and
versatile apparatus especially well suited for all sorts
of wave experiments.
The Vibration Generator is essentially a loudspeaker.
A coil wound on a thin aluminium tube moves within
a permanent magnetic field when current of an al-
ternating nature is applied to it. The coil is controlled
by 2 suspensions for optimum guidance. Coupling
the Vibration Generator to external equipment is fa-
ciliated by an 8 mm dia. alu mi nium pin connected
to the coil. The pin is equip ped with a 4 mm hole for
a banana plug connector.
Most Vibration Generators of this type have 2 vulne-
rable points:
1. Mounting of accessorries will inevitably sooner or
later damage the moving parts.
2. Another frequent problem is when too high a cur-
rent is applied to the vibrator via the input termi-
We have eliminated these problems. The mechanical
problem is eliminated by supplying the apparatus
with a locking device. When set in the "Lock" positi-
on the centertap is locked, and accessories can be
mounted without any damage to the moving parts.
The second problem is eliminated by means of a fu-
se (1.0 A Fast, no. 4085.33), when too high a current
is applied the fuse is simply blown. Replace only
with a similary rated fuse!
When using the vibrator for the purpose of generat-
ing waves, we recommend the use of a function ge-
nerator e.g. no. 2502.50 or similar. However please
be sure that the applied current does not exceed
1 A.
To generate waves attach e.g. a wire, a spring or a
string using the provided banana plug connector.
Apply a signal e.g. from a function generator.
The Vibration Generator will vibrate at any frequency
ranging from 0.1-5 kHz and with amplitudes up to 7
mm at the low end of the frequency range.
Instruction Manual for the Vibration Generator no. 2185.00
Ae 2185.00
A/S Søren Frederiksen, Ølgod
Tel. +45 7524 4966
Viaduktvej 35 · DK-6870 Ølgod
Fax +45 7524 6282