Searching for Words
Expanding Your Searches
You can expand a word search by pressing
up to five times after you have entered search
word(s). Each time that you press
, the previ-
ous matches are discarded and new matches, if
any, of synonyms and similar words are found.
For example, enter
kidney at the Word Search
screen. Then press
repeatedly. The search
expands to find the matches for
renal and nephritis.
Changing Your Searches
After entering a word search, you can change
your search word(s) by pressing
and then
Change Search Query from the Search
menu. Then type your changes.
For example, you may want to add search words
to a search that finds too many matches.
Searching for Parts of a Word
If you’re not sure which form of a word to search
for, enter a word with one or more asterisks in
place of missing letters (e.g.,
). To type an
asterisk, hold
and press
? *
Then select a completion to search for.