Would you like to make classic mixed drinks, such
as a mimosa or a piña colada? Or how about fun
new drinks like Nancy Friedman's Green Meanie,
Yaka-Hula-Hicky-Dula, or Zack is Back with the
Well, you’re in luck! Using the Bartender’s Guide
digital book, you can learn how to make everything
from an Aalborg Sour to an XYZ Cocktail, from a
Harvey Wallbanger to a Wally Harvbanger.
You can also learn about liquors, the secrets of
mixology, and converting jiggers to dashes and
teaspoons to ponies. And every drink recipe shows
you what kind of glass or mug to use.
It’s easy to do. This User’s Manual shows you how.
Have fun!
Your First Tip
Throughout this User's Manual, you will see
tips like this helping you find shortcuts and
answers. Look for them.