End User License Agreement
The software in this package is provided to YOU by FRANKLIN ELECTRONICPUBLISHERS,
INC., (``FRANKLIN'') under the terms and conditions set forth below. Read this End User
License Agreement carefully, FRANKLIN grants YOU a personal, nonexclusive license to use
the software program and associated documentation in this package, or any part of
it(``Licensed Product''), subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. License. The license granted to YOU hereunder authorizes YOU to use the
LicensedProduct on any single computer system. A separate license, pursuant to a separate
End User License Agreement, is required for any other computer system on which YOU intend
to use the Licensed Product.
2. Term. This End User License Agreement is effective from the date of purchase by YOU of
the Licensed Product and shall remain in force until terminated. YOU may terminate this End
User License Agreement at any time by destroying the Licensed Product together with all
copies in any form made by YOU or received by YOU. YOUR right to use or copy the
Licensed Product will terminate if YOU fail to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this
End User License Agreement. Upon such termination YOU shall destroy the copies of the
Licensed Product in your possession.
3. Restriction Against Transfer. This End User License Agreement, and the Licensed
Product, may not be assigned, sublicensed or otherwise transferred by YOU to another party
unless the other party agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this End User License
Agreement. If YOU transfer the Licensed Product, YOU must at the same time either transfer
all copies whether in printed or machine-readable form to the same party or destroy any copies
not transferred.
4. Restrictions Against Copying or Modifying the Licensed Product. The Licensed
Product is copyrighted and may not be further copied without the prior written approval of
FRANKLIN, except that YOU may make one copy for backup purposes provided YOU
reproduce and include the complete copyright notice on the backup copy. Any unauthorized
copying is in violation of this Agreement and may also constitute a violation of the United
States Copyright Law for which YOU couldbe liable in a civil or criminal suit. YOU may not
use, transfer, modify, copy or otherwise reproduce the Licensed Product, or any part of it,
except as expressly permitted in this End User License Agreement.
5. Protection and Security. YOU shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Licensed
Product andto ensure that no unauthorized person shall have access to it and that
nonauthorized copy of any part of it in any form shall be made.
6. General. If any provision of this End User License Agreement is determined to be invalid
under any applicable statute or rule of law, it shall be deemed omitted and the remaining
provisions shall continue in full force and effect. This End User License Agreement is to be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
7. Remedy. If YOU do not agree to the terms contained in this End User LicenseAgreement,
return the entire product to your place of purchase, along withyour receipt, and your purchase
price will be refunded. YOU shall also immediately destroy any copies made of the Licensed
Product in your possession.
8. Conclusion. The entire agreement between FRANKLIN and YOU is embodied in this