Appendix A
Troubleshooting Guide
1. I'm having trouble installing the
1. Follow the directions in "Getting
Started." Be sure that your computer
meets the specifications listed in
"Installing Big League Baseball."
2. When I type a ratio, I see a Bad
Request message.
2. You may have typed a ratio that
mixes batting and pitching statistics,
which is not allowed. Retype your ratio
using batting statistics only or pitching
statistics only.
3. I'm not able to type or enter BA,
ERA, or SLG in my ratios.
3. BA, ERA, and SLG cannot be used in
ratios because they are ratios. Type or
enter your ratios using simple statistics
4. When I type a simple request and
press the Enter key, I see a Bad
Request message.
4. Make sure that you type a space
between every element of your
requests--between the command and
the statistic or ratio, between the
statistic or ratio and the Limiters and
5. My lists have no well-known players
in them.
5. You probably have entered a request
with a ratio in which the denominator is
not limited by GT or LT. GT and LT
limit the range of statistics shown to
make them more meaningful. Read
"Making List Requests With Number
6. When I type GT or LT and press the
Enter key, I see a Bad Request
6. The numeric Limiters, GT and LT,
must be preceded by their own statistic
or ratio and followed by a number. For
example, in the valid request MAX HR
AB GT 1000, HR is the statistic related
to MAX, and AB is the statistic related
to GT. 1000 sets the limit on AB. If
your request doesn't follow this format,
retype it.