Welcome to the world of BOOKMAN!
With this
Speaking Spelling Ace
card, you can check spellings, learn how
to write letters, and play 11 fun word
games. In addition, if you have a BOOK-
MAN with a speaker or a headphone
jack, you can hear pronunciations of let-
ters and words. It’s fun and easy to use.
To learn how, read this User’s Guide.
Installing a Book Card and Selecting a Book ..................... 3
Using the Color Keys and Changing the Settings .............. 4
Viewing a Demonstration .................................................. 5
Hearing Letters and Words ................................................ 5
Checking Spellings ............................................................ 6
Finding a Letter in a Word ................................................. 7
Finding a Series of Letters ................................................ 7
Learning to Write Letters and Words ................................. 8
Saving Words for Study ..................................................... 9
It’s Time to Rhyme ........................................................... 10
Learning Confusable Words ............................................. 10
Changing Game Settings ................................................. 11
Playing the Games ........................................................... 11
Sending a Word Between Books ...................................... 14
Resetting Your BOOKMAN .............................................. 15
Book Card Care ............................................................... 15
Specifications .................................................................. 16
Limited Warranty (U.S. only) ............................................ 17