Welcome to the world of BOOKMAN
BOOKMAN is a powerful, portable electronic
reference with a built-in book and a slot in the
back for more books. With this Total Base-
ball Encyclopedia you can find players’ career
batting and pitching stats from 1876-1994.
You can also view team batting and pitching
stats, league standings, World Series results,
and Award Winners. Simply install this car-
tridge into your BOOKMAN to get started.
Infinite ratios 10
Installing cartridges 3
color (red, green, yellow, blue) 2, 4
direction keys 2
function keys 2
other 2
star key combinations 2
League standings 7
adding 11
sample 15
understanding 11
Limiting biographical stats 11
MAX key 2
MIN key 2
Misspelling a name 6
More about entering names 5
More about standings 8
See Using NEXT and PREV
NL standings 7
Numbers, typing 2
Pitchers batting stats 5
Pitching stats 5
Player stats 5
Player stats from team list 7
See Using NEXT and PREV
Putting it all together 13
adding 12
sample 15
adding 10
sample 15
using realistically 10
Removing cartridges 3
Rookie totals 5
Rookies 6
Sample advanced requests 14
Sample limiters 15
Sample qualifiers 15
Sample ratios 15
Screen contrast 4
Screen illustrations 3
Selecting books 3
Star key, use of 2
Stat abbreviations 16
Team batting stats 6
Team pitching stats 7
Team stats 6
Installing Cartridges ....................................................... 3
Selecting Books ............................................................. 3
Using the Color Keys ...................................................... 4
Viewing a Demonstration ............................................... 4
Finding Player Stats ....................................................... 5
Finding Team Stats ......................................................... 6
League Standings ........................................................... 7
Finding Winners ............................................................. 8
Finding Bests & Worsts ................................................... 9
Adding Ratios .............................................................. 10
Adding Limiters ............................................................ 11
Adding Qualifiers ......................................................... 12
Putting it All Together ................................................... 13
Resetting BOOKMAN ................................................... 14
Appendix A: Sample Ratios, Qualifiers, & Limiters ........ 15
Appendix B: Abbreviations ........................................... 16
Cartridge Care ............................................................. 17