Jay P. Sanford, M.D.
Note: It is with sadness that we note the
death of Jay P. Sanford, M.D., on October
23, 1996. We wish to assure you that the
Sanford Guides will continue to be up-
dated and published on an annual basis
and that we are firmly committed to
maintaining the same high standards of
excellence that typified Dr. Sanford’s ef-
forts over the last 26 years.
Some of the recommendations in the
Sanford Guide suggest use of agents for
purposes or in dosages other than recom-
mended in product labeling. Such recom-
mendations are based on reports in
peer-reviewed publications; they are not
based on direct input from any pharma-
ceutical manufacturer. They are made
only with due consideration of the con-
cerns by the Food and Drug Administra-
tion about recommendations for
“off-label” uses. We have attempted to
identify such as “not FDA-approved for
this indication.”
In accordance with American Medical
Association guidelines and FDA regula-
tions, you, the user, should know that the
Sanford Guide is not prepared for any
single pharmaceutical company or dis-
tributor; though it is distributed by mul-
tiple companies in the health care field,
the Sanford Guide is independently pre-
pared and published. It is not subject to
any form of approval prior to publication.
We acknowledge Carolyn Wickwire for
her continued commitment to preparing
this complex manuscript, Gateway
Graphics for its efficient printing and Fox
Bindery for accurate binding of the
Sanford Guides.
The Publishers
The Editors
February 1997