Master VFD Control HMI Menu Settings
VFD Parameter Screens 1 & 2
VFD Parameter Screen 1 and 2 are viewed by pressing F2 or F3 respectively.
Access to either screen requires entering the system passcode. Refer to
The current settings dictating VFD performance are shown in the Column marked CURRENT.
To update system operating values for either screen:
Press the applicable button under the NEW column.
2. Enter the new value in the input screen. Press the return button.
If the input is beyond the allowable range, the return button will not operate.
3. Verify the updated value is shown in the NEW column.
The value will be written into each of the VFDs.
Once the value has been read back by the Master VFD Control HMI, the CURRENT column will
VFD Parameter Locations:
These parameters are preset in the factory.
Wake Up Differential represents the percentage of pressure transducer range to be used to trigger
the wake-up call.
VFD Parameter Screen 1
Acceleration Ramp Speed
Deceleration Ramp Speed
PID Proportional Gain
PID Integral Time
PID Differential Time
Minimum VFD Speed
Maximum VFD Speed
Pressure Setpoint (in PSI)
VFD Parameter Screen 2
Pressure Transducer Range
Pump Duty Switch Over Time
Standby Activation Speed
Standby Mode Timer
Assist Pump Start Speed
Assist Pump Stop Speed
Assist Pump Settling Time
Wake Up Differential