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2.5 BT-1 Channel 5:
This is an on-off button. The button on joy stick controls the left-right move to end on servos.
Different servos might move differently from what you can see below:
2.6 BT-1 Channel 6
This is an on-off channel. The a & b button on the left and right of joy stick controls the left-right
move to end on servos. Loose the button the servo will move back to its neutral position. Different
servos might move differently from what you can see below:
2.7 BT-1 Channel 7:
This is a proportional channel. The a & b button on joy stick controls the left-right move on
servos. One press will make the servo move one step further until reaching its end position; one
press on c button will make the servo move back to its neutral position. Different servos might move
differently from what you can see below:
2.8 BT-1 Channel 8:
This is an on-off channel. The trigger in the front controls the left-right move on servos. Different
servos might move differently from what you can see below: