FP Mailing Solutions SP1360 Quick Start Manual Download Page 3

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FP Mailing Solutions

Step 9 -

  Insert the HCF into the printer while manually operating the register board 

handle. Start with the handle at the right most position, this is the highest height for the 
register board. When inserting the feeder into the printer you want to lower the handle 
towards the left most position while you insert the HCF into the printer. When the handle 
is in its lowest position and the HCF is fully inserted into the printer you know the HCF is in 
the running position. 

Step 11 -

 Give Attention to the brass hold down limiter on the registration board. It should 

be screwed down till it touches the hold down but not applying pressure to the metal 

Step 10 -

 Depending on the printers cabinet in use you can 

lock the rear wheel to the HCF to keep it in the printer or 
use the supplied ball latches in the accessories box to hold 
the HCF into the printer; 

(Note Ball latches can not be used 

on the High Capacity trays.)

