Section G
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180/190/200 Horizon
Owners Manual
Propeller torque can also cause the boat to wander (not
follow a straight line) when operated at low speeds. This
condition is normal and can be corrected only by increas-
ing engine rpm. Wind, water currents and play in steer-
ing components can cause equivalent effects.
Steering effort can vary significantly with engine
acceleration, steering angle, trim angle, and sea
condition. Be prepared for additional steering
loads at all times.
G - 3
A. General Maintenance
A periodic inspection of all steering cables, linkage and
helm assemblies should be made. Signs of corrosion,
cracking, loosening of fastenings, excessive wear, or
deterioration should be immediately corrected. Failure
to do so could lead to steering system failure and corre-
sponding loss of control.
Check all bolts, nuts and fasteners for tightness.
B. Rotary System Maintenance
The helm and cable assembly should be so adjusted
that the steering wheel is centered with the drive or out-
board engine in the straight ahead position. There should
be an equal number of turns to port and starboard from
the straight ahead position. If adjustment becomes
necessary, see your Four Winns dealer.
Check all metal parts at the cable output end for corro-
sion. Remove any old grease from the cable ram and
motor swivel connections using a mild solvent such as
WD-40. Spray the cleaned areas with a moisture-dis-
placing lubricant and apply a light coat of good quality
marine grease. Do this with the ram fully extended. See
Figure G2.
If the power steering system cannot be corrected on
board, proceed at a reduced speed. The boat will be
steerable, but with increased effort. Return the boat to
your Four Winns dealer as soon as possible to correct
the power steering system.
If equipped with power steering, check the fluid
level in the reservoir periodically. Low power
steering fluid levels may increase steering diffi-
After the first two hours of running time, check
the entire steering system for loose bolts, nuts
and fasteners which could adversely affect steer-
ing control.
When storing equipment in the engine compart-
ment, be sure to avoid contact with the steering
cable. Cables may become kinked or damaged
and may increase steering effort.
Most Four Winns® boats equipped with stern drives are
equipped with power steering. This is a power assist
system and can greatly reduce steering effort required.
DO NOT force the steering unit to either ex-
treme. This can place undue strain on the unit
and can lead to hydraulic line or seal failure.
It is important that the power steering fluid be maintained
at the proper level. Do not over fill the power steering
pump reservoir. Please consult the section in the en-
gine manual regarding steering system and mainte-
nance. The engine manual is included in the owners
packet. Also included in you owners packet is the steer-
ing manufacturers literature.
G - 2
The propeller rotation of a single engine installation will
exert a directional force on the steering system. This
can cause the steering to be harder in one direction than
the other, and is called propeller torque. If this occurs,
adjust the drive or outboards trim tab (when applicable).
Refer to the engine manual, included in the owners
packet, for information on adjusting the trim tab.