How to update the HP-A4BL firmware
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· Firmware download and unzip
5. Download the HP-A4BL firmware update file from Fostex website, <
tech_support/software_updates.shtml> and place it at such a place as your desktop. Upon unzipping the file, there
will be following two files appeared.
(firmware version: *.**)
Copy these two files together into the root directory
of micro SDHC card, which you inserted into the
Windows PC/Macintosh SD card slot in the proce
dure 4. The screen shot on the right shows an ex
ample of V1.10 firmware update files copied in the
root directory of micro SDHC card with the SD card
adapter mounted on Windows 8.1 PRO PC (64-bit
In order to update the firmware correctly, place only one version of firmware update files (e.g. V1.10 firm-
ware update file “HP_A4BL.110” and “SYS_A4BL.110” only) into the root directory of micro SDHC card.
· Firmware update
6. Remove the micro SDHC card (and SD card adapter) in which the firmware update files are copied from the Win
dows PC/Macintosh SD card slot. Next, remove the micro SDHC card from the SD card adapter and insert it into
the micro SD card slot on the HP-A4BL rear panel.
Do not power on the HP-A4BL before inserting
the SDHC card into the slot.
7. Power on the HP-A4BL by turning the [POWER]
switch / Volume knob to the right. The HP-A4BL
recognizes the firmware update file in the micro
SDHC card and automatically enters the firmware
update mode. As shown on the right illustration, the
HP-A4BL indicates the progress of the firmware
update status by the LEDs on the front panel.
Unless the HP-A4BL recognizes the firmware
update file whose version is different from the
currently installed firmware version, the HP-
A4BL will not enter the firmware update mode.
Pay attention to the current firmware version
which can be checked by the before mentioned
procedures 1. ~ 4. and the version of the firm-
ware update file which you are going to use for
the update.
Power on the HP-A4BL. The POWER LED is lit
solid in green.
The Fs: 44.1k and DSD LEDs flash in red.
The Fs: 48k and DSD LEDs flash in red.
The Fs: 88.2k and DSD LEDs flash in red.
The Fs: 96k and DSD LEDs flash in red.
The Fs: 176.4k and DSD LEDs flash in red
The Fs: 192k and DSD LEDs flash in red
Only the DSD LED flashes in red indicating that
the firmware update is completed.