Forum Sentry Quick Start Guide | 17
Time: The timestamp for each log message
Session: Each log message for a specific transaction has the same session ID. This
allows for easy filtering of the log to only show log messages for a specific transaction.
Code: Each type of event is logged with its own logging code. You can configure Sentry
to only allow certain codes.
Level: Each log level has an associated log level; you can configure Sentry to only log
certain levels.
Message: The log message.
6. The latest log messages are listed at the top of the page. After you send a request, click the Session
ID to show only the log messages for that transaction. Then scroll to the bottom to see the first log
message: “Document entered communications layer”.
7. Going up from there, you’ll see the incoming request headers, the actual request itself, and all
processing Sentry performs on the request.
8. When you see the “Sending remote server a processed request” message, this indicates that the
request processing was successful and Sentry is now proxying the request to the remote server.
9. Processing errors will show up highlighted in yellow.
10. The last log message for a transaction will be “Document left communications layer”. This indicates
that the response has been sent to the client and processing in Sentry is complete.