Forum Sentry Quick Start Guide | 11
The listener policy is the IP and Port that Sentry will listen on for incoming traffic for this
WSDL policy.
The “Use Device IP” option selects the WAN IP address (the device IP) as the listening IP
The Virtual Directory Path is the path for this WSDL policy (for the listener URI, this is
everything after the port number).
The remote policy is the actual endpoint for the service as defined in the imported WSDL.
This is where Sentry will send the processed request - after receiving the incoming request
and performing the IDP scan, schema validation, and any task processing defined in Sentry.
The “Send to remote server” option should be enabled if you want to use this policy in proxy
mode (send the processed request to a back-end service). Disable this option if you want to
use this policy in service mode (the processed request is sent immediately back to the client
– nothing is sent to a back-end service).
2. After entering the appropriate values, click
to create the WSDL policy.
3. Reviewing the WSDL Policy and Enable WSDL Access
1. When the WSDL Policy has been successfully created, the status, the Virtual URI, the Physical URI,
and each operation will be listed on the screen.