Shelf Manager CLI
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 0 Dynamic minimum fan level: 30
20: FRU # 4
Current Level: 30
Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 0 Dynamic minimum fan level: 30
20: FRU # 3
Current Level: 30
Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 0 Dynamic minimum fan level: 30
clia fru [-v] [<IPMB_address> [id=<fru_device_id> | type=<site_type>]] | [type=<site_type>
This command displays information about a specific FRU. If
is omitted, the command shows
information about all FRUs controlled by the IPM controller at the specified address. If
is also
omitted, the command displays information about all FRUs known to the shelf manager.
Display information for a specific FRU
Enter this command with an IPMB address that refers to a physical slot to display information similar to that displayed
by the clia board command (see
). For example, to display information about the board in physical
slot11 (logical slot 8, IPMB address 90) enter:
# clia fru 90
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
90: FRU # 0
Entity: (0xa0, 0x60)
Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M4 (Active), Last State Change Cause: Normal State
Change (0x0)
Device ID String: "FG5005A"
clia fruinfo [-v] [-x]<addr> <fru_id>
This command displays FRU Information in a user-friendly format.
For example to display FRU information for fan tray 0:
# clia fruinfo 20 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 3, FRU Info
Common Header:
Format Version = 1
Board Info Area:
= 1
Language Code
= 25
Mfg Date/Time
= Oct
9 14:02:00 2014 (9873482 minutes since 1996)
FortiGate-5144C 6.2.3 Chassis Guide