372001-24 Rev. A
IDDX Flame Detector Amplifier Manual
IDD Pick-Up and Dropout Points
This screen displays:
• Average IDD signal level in pulses per second (PPS) using the configuration settings entered thus far
• Programmed pick-up (PU),
• Dropout points (DO),
• Highest and lowest signal values seen since accessing this screen (HI and LO).
Pick-up and dropout points are limited to absolute minimum and maximum of 0 to 4095. The pick-up point
should be less than the average signal value (i.e. IDD SIGNAL: 956) and greater than the minimum signal
value (i.e. LO: 560). The dropout value should be less than the minimum signal value (i.e. LO: 560). The
pick-up point must be greater than the dropout point.
Press F1 - PU to change the pick-up value. i.e. 800 was selected for PU (560 < 800 > 956)
Press F2 - DO to change the dropout point. i.e. 500 (500<560).
Linger for several minutes on the IDD SIGNAL screen to gather some trend data. Remember, the
SmartDisplay /Termiflex times out after 10 minutes of activity. Notice how the high (HI) and low (LO)
value range keeps expanding.