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Serious or fatal injuries can 
occur from using power 
tools when cutting PVC 
pipe.  Be sure to read and  
understand the instructions 
that came with your power 
tools before using them. 

PVC cement is a noxious 
chemical that should be 
used in a well ventilated 
area.  If you become dizzy, 
light-headed or disoriented, 
move to fresh air. 

Important information. 
Read carefully. 
Keep this information for further reference.



The information provided within 

this manual is


for informational purposes only.



FORMUFIT accepts no responsibility, and is 
excluded from all liability for damage and/or loss 
which may be suffered by any other party as a 
result of using or in connection with such use or 
loss of use of this information, including but not 
limited to loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss 
of business, indirect damages, incidental 
damages, special or consequential loss, injury or 
loss of life.

Additional Information

For additional information on how to cut, 
prepare and assemble PVC, please review our 
FORMUFIT PVC Field Manuals available at:


To order fittings, connectors, pipe or accessories 
for this project, visit FORMUFIT online at:

