Figure 27 Wireless Point to Multi-Point Bridge
Under this mode, this KWO5000 is responsible for a pivot AP, connecting other APs
and devices apart.
Figure 28 Wireless Point-to-Point Mode
The building steps are identical to the Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge.
Wireless Repeater Mode
Under this hybrid mode, the KWO5000 is capable of establishing the connections
between wireless stations and other APs, reaching as far as thousands of miles.
Follow the steps to build the wireless repeater infrastructure.
Set the working mode as wireless bridging mode.
Set the station1 IP address as; the station as
Wirelessly connect the station1 to the KWO5000, so does the station2 to the AP2.
From the WDS web configuration, select “Repeater with Wireless Client Association”,
enter the AP2 MAC address in the remote MAC address field. Likewise, enter the AP1