This field identifies which operating frequency will be used.
Security Profiles
This provides a list of virtual APs derived from KWO5000 Virtual AP, spelling out
profile name, SSID, MAC, security, and status.
Build Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge Mode
Under this mode, two separate networks located apart can be connected to carry out
data-transmission about several thousand miles away
Create a connection between AP and wireless station separately.
Open the KWO5000 management web through entering the default factory IP Address, user name—admin and password—password. Enter the other AP’s name on the
MAC address field, respectively,
Wireless Information about the KWO5000
The following describes the advanced wireless parameters.
RTS Threshold
The packet size used to determine whether it
should use the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access with Collision Detection) or
the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Avoidance) mechanism for
packet transmission.
Fragmentation Length
This is the maximum packet size used for
fragmentation. Packets larger than the size
programmed in this field will be fragmented.
The Fragment Threshold value must be larger
than the RTS Threshold value.
Beacon Interval
Specifies the data beacon rate between 20 and
DTIM Interval
The Delivery Traffic Indication Message
specifies the data beacon rate between 1 and
Preamble Type
A long transmit preamble may provide a more
reliable connection or slightly longer range. A