Service\Repair Formech FM660
Apart from the table and clamp seals, which are considered to be consumable items, it is unlikely that
you will need to service or repair your machine for many years. This is providing that you have noted
the sections regarding the vacuum system and heating elements.
Before any maintenance work is carried out both electrical and air supplies must be locked
the OFF position. Only a qualified electrical technician may work on any parts carrying mains
voltage and should be responsible for ensuring that the machine is in a safe condition before
allowing services to be restored.
Faults on circuit boards are rare but loose plugs and terminals are responsible for most electrically
based failures. A logical approach to detecting the fault begins with an exact appraisal of the fault
Much time can be wasted looking in the wrong areas for a problem that, when found, was obvious.
The flexible conduits between the heaters and the control cabinet contain a number of heatproof power
(and in some cases thermocouple) cables. Due to the continual motion of the heater these will
eventually suffer from fatigue and require replacement.
Only the correct grade of cable should be used, and the work carried out by a skilled technician.
The ceramic heating elements should be periodically inspected particularly for hairline cracks. There is
usually no specific reason for this occurring other than through age due to the expansion & contraction
of the ceramic material. The same applies to the resistance wire within the ceramic case. Although no
warning of failure is visible, if the element fails to heat, then the wire has probably broken inside.
For the reasons stated, the elements, associated cables, connectors, fuses and triac controllers
are specifically excluded from our standard warranty
Replacing a heating element
If the plastic is not being heated evenly and there is an obvious cold spot then follow the below
procedure. This procedure is simplified
if the checks ar performed from ‘cold’
Switch off machine and let heater cool completely, this will take at least 15 minutes.
Bring the heater half way forward, place hand near but not on elements to see if they are still
hot. If they are, let machine cool for a further 15 minutes.
When elements are completely cool, turn on each zone individually and feel each element
connected to that specific zone. The difference in temperature will quickly become noticeable.
If one or more elements fail to heat then follow below.