Wi-Fi Issues
Possible solution
Possible cause
If the vehicle is equipped
with heated windshield, try
positioning the vehicle so
that the windshield is not
facing the hotspot. If you
have metallic window tinting
There may be an obstruction
between SYNC 3 and the
Poor signal seen by SYNC 3
despite being near a
but not on the windshield,
position the vehicle to face
the hotspot. If all windows
are tinted, you can open the
windows in the direction of
the hotspot if that is feas-
Try to remove other
obstructions that may
impact signal quality such
as opening the garage door.
Please set the network to
visible and try again.
The hotspot was defined as
a hidden network.
A hotspot is not listed in the
list of available networks.
SYNC 3 currently does not
provide a hotspot
SYNC 3 does not currently
provide a hotspot.
SYNC 3 is not seen when
searching for Wi-Fi networks
from your phone or other
Check the signal quality
(under network details), if
SYNC 3 indicates good or
excellent, test with another
high-speed equipped
hotspot where the environ-
ment is more predictable.
Poor signal strength, too far
from the hotspot, hotspot is
supporting multiple
connections, slow Internet
connection or other prob-
Software download takes
too long.
Test the connection with
another device, if the
hotspot requires a subscrip-
tion, you may contact the
service provider.
It is possible that there is no
new software. The
connected hotspot may be
a managed one and it
requires either a subscrip-
tion or agreeing to the terms
and conditions.
SYNC 3 seems to connect
with a hotspot and the
signal strength is excellent
but the software is not being
C-MAX Energi / C-MAX Hybrid (CCG) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, First Printing