Ford ESP Can Quickly Pay for Itself
One service bill – the cost of parts and labor – can easily exceed the
price of your Ford ESP Service Contract. With Ford ESP, you minimize
your risk for unexpected repair bills and rising repair costs.
Avoid the rising cost of properly maintaining your vehicle!
Ford ESP also offers a Premium Maintenance Plan that covers items that
routinely wear out
The coverage is prepaid, so you never have to worry about affording
your vehicle maintenance. It covers regular checkups, routine
inspections, preventive care and replacement of items that require
periodic attention for
normal “wear”
Wiper blades
Brake pads and linings
Spark plugs (except
Shock absorbers
Clutch disc
Belts and hoses
Contact your selling Ford, Lincoln, or Mercury dealership today so they
can customize a Ford Extended Service Plan that fits your driving
lifestyle and budget.
Interest free finance options available
Take advantage of our installment payment plan, just a 10% down
payment will provide you with an affordable no interest, no-fee payment
Ford Extended Service Plan
2010 MKS
Owners Guide, 2nd Printing