Horsepower-to-weight Ratio
Torque-to-weight Ratio
Neutral Towing
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2006 Mustang
July 2005
Ford Car Source Book
File Name:
06 Mustang SB
Pg# 11
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Performance Specifics
Horsepower-to-weight Ratio
This is a good way to illustrate the benefits of Mustang power
and performance. It’s not just how much muscle the engine
produces, but how much vehicle that muscle is expected
to move.
• V-6 Coupe curb weight is 3352 lbs. (210 horsepower)
V-6 Coupe models with a manual transmission have a
horsepower-to-weight ratio of 15.9:1. This means it takes one
horsepower to move 15.9 pounds of vehicle weight
• GT Coupe curb weight is 3356 lbs. (300 horsepower)
GT Coupe models with a manual transmission have a
horsepower-to-weight ratio of 11.1:1. This means it
takes one unit of horsepower to move 11.1 pounds
of vehicle weight
It should be apparent that the less weight each unit of
horsepower has to move, the faster it can get the vehicle moving.
Torque-to-weight Ratio
Here’s another way of presenting the benefits of Mustang
power to your customers. Torque measures the engine’s ability
to do work, and work includes getting a load moving. For that
reason, torque is a good gauge of how well a vehicle will
accelerate from a standstill.
• V-6 Coupe curb weight is 3352 lbs. (240 lb.-ft. of torque)
V-6 Coupe models with a manual transmission have
a torque-to-weight ratio of 13.9:1. This means it takes
one pound-foot of torque to start moving 13.9 pounds
of Mustang V-6
• GT Coupe curb weight is 3356 lbs. (320 lb.-ft. of torque)
GT Coupe models with a manual transmission have a
torque-to-weight ratio of 10.4:1. This means it takes one
pound-foot of torque to start moving 10.4 pounds of
Mustang GT
Again, it should be apparent that the less weight each unit of
torque has to move, the faster it can get the vehicle moving.
A Closer Look: Horsepower-to-weight/
Torque-to-weight Ratios
Remember, when comparing these numbers with other vehicles,
the lower the first number (weight) the better. A vehicle with
a ratio of 12:1 is better than a vehicle with a 15:1 ratio,
because it has less weight to move with one horsepower.
The same applies to torque. A vehicle with a 15:1 ratio is
better than a vehicle with a 19:1 ratio because it has less
weight to move with one unit of torque.
A Closer Look: Neutral Towing
Flat tow Mustang only in an emergency and only at speeds
of 35 mph or less, for no more than 50 miles. For recreational
towing, use a wheel lift or flatbed equipment, or disconnect
the driveshaft.
06 Mustang SB 8/31/05 4:00 PM Page 11