Ensamblaje del aditamento,
collarín o tuerca del collarín
Tuerca del collarín – Para aflojar
la tuerca del collarín (A) Fig.2,
presione el botón de bloqueo
del husillo (B) y gire el eje de la
herramienta con la mano hasta
que el broche se fije en el eje
previniendo mayor rotación.
Con el bloqueo de husillo activado, use
la llave para la tuerca de collarín (C)
para aflojar si es necesario. La tuerca de
collarín debe estar ligeramente roscada
cuando inserte un accesorio. Cambie
los accesorios insertando el nuevo en
el collarín (D) tan profundo como sea
posible para evitar que se salga o que
pierda balance. Con el bloqueo de eje
activado, apriete con los dedos la tuerca
del collarín hasta que el vástago del
accesorio quede sujetado por el collarín.
Evite apretar excesivamente la tuerca
del collarín cuando no haya un accesorio
insertado. Para instalar un collarín
diferente, remueva la tuerca del collarín
y el collarín existente. Inserte el extremo
no ranurado del collarín en el orificio en el
extremo del eje de la herramienta. Vuelva
a colocar la tuerca del collarín en el eje y
Sujetando el Eje Flexible
Destornille la tuerca de la cubierta (A)
Fig.3 y remuévala. La tuerca del collarín
(B) y el collarín de 1/8” (C) deben
permanecer en su lugar. Monte el Eje
Flexible colocando el eje interior (D) en
la mordaza de la herramienta, fijando en
su lugar al apretar la tuerca del collarín.
Luego use la tuerca de la cubierta del
Eje Flexible (E), fije el Eje Flexible a
la herramienta rotatoria girando en el
sentido de las manecillas del reloj.
Antes de utilizar su herramienta rotatoria
asegúrese de haber leído todas las
precauciones de seguridad previas. El
verdadero secreto de su herramienta
rotatoria es su velocidad. Un taladro
eléctrico típico es una herramienta
de baja velocidad y alto torque. La
herramienta rotatoria es lo contrario, es
una herramienta de alta velocidad y bajo
torque. Así que no aplique presión a la
herramienta, simplemente sosténgala y
guíela, la velocidad hará el resto.
Sostenga la herramienta rotatoria en su
mano y enchufe el cable de corriente
en la toma de la pared. Encienda la
herramienta rotatoria presionando el
interruptor de encendido/apagado (A)
Fig.5. Luego se debe de seleccionar una
velocidad usando la perilla de pulgar
para velocidad variable (B). El accesorio
y el trabajo a realizar determinarán la
velocidad a utilizar.
Siempre desconecte la
Herramienta Rotatoria antes de
cambiar accesorios, cambiar
collarines o dar servicio.
No active el botón de bloqueo del
husillo mientras la herramienta
esté funcionando.
Una carga pesada a baja
velocidad puede quemar el motor!
Siempre use el collarín que se
ajusta al tamaño del vástago del
accesorio que planea usar.
Nunca fuerce un vástago de mayor
diámetro en un collarín de menor
Hold the rotary tool in your hand and plug the
power cord into the wall outlet. Switch on the
rotary tool by pressing the ON/OFF switch (A)
Fig.5. Then a speed setting must be selected
using the variable speed thumb dial (B). The
accessory and job to do will determine the
speed setting to use.
Too high a load at a low
speed can burn out the motor
Attachment, collet and collet nut assembly
Attaching the Flex Shaft
Always unplug Rotary Tool
before changing accessories, changing collets
or servicing.
Do not engage spindle lock
button while the tool is running.
Always use the collet which
matches the shank size of the accessory you
plan to use. Never force a larger diameter
shank into a smaller sized collet.
Collet Nut- To loosen the collet nut (A) Fig.2,
press spindle lock button (B) and rotate the
tool shaft by hand until the lock engages the
shaft preventing further rotation.
With the spindle lock engaged, use the collet
nut wrench (C) to loosen it if necessary. The
collet nut must be loosely threaded on when
inserting an accessory. Change accessories
by inserting the new one into the collet (D) as
far as possible to minimize runout and unbalance.
With the shaft lock engaged, finger tighten the
collet nut until the accessory shank is gripped
by the collet. Avoid excessive tigtening of the
collet nut when there is not accessory inserted.
To install a different collet, remove the collet
nut and the collet already in place. Insert the
unslotted end of the collet in the hole at the
end of the tools’ shaft. Replace collet nut on
the shaft and tighten.
Unscrew the housing nut (A) Fig.3 and remove
it. The collet nut (B) and the 1/8” collet (C)
must be kept in place. Mount the Flex Shaft by
placing the inner shaft (D) into the tools’ chuck,
secure it in place by tightening the collet nut.
Then using the Flex Shaft housing nut (E), fix
the Flex Shaft to the rotary tool by turning it
Before operating, make sure you have read all
previous safety precautions before operating
your rotary tool. The real secret to your rotary
tool is its speed. A typical electric drill is a
low-speed, high torque tool. The rotary tool is
the opposite, it is a high-speed, low torque
tool. So please do not apply pressure on the
tool, simply hold it and guide it, the speed will
do the rest.
Hold the rotary tool in your hand and plug the
power cord into the wall outlet. Switch on the
rotary tool by pressing the ON/OFF switch (A)
Fig.5. Then a speed setting must be selected
using the variable speed thumb dial (B). The
accessory and job to do will determine the
speed setting to use.
Too high a load at a low
speed can burn out the motor
Attachment, collet and collet nut assembly
Attaching the Flex Shaft
Always unplug Rotary Tool
before changing accessories, changing collets
or servicing.
Do not engage spindle lock
button while the tool is running.
Always use the collet which
matches the shank size of the accessory you
plan to use. Never force a larger diameter
shank into a smaller sized collet.
Collet Nut- To loosen the collet nut (A) Fig.2,
press spindle lock button (B) and rotate the
tool shaft by hand until the lock engages the
shaft preventing further rotation.
With the spindle lock engaged, use the collet
nut wrench (C) to loosen it if necessary. The
collet nut must be loosely threaded on when
inserting an accessory. Change accessories
by inserting the new one into the collet (D) as
far as possible to minimize runout and unbalance.
With the shaft lock engaged, finger tighten the
collet nut until the accessory shank is gripped
by the collet. Avoid excessive tigtening of the
collet nut when there is not accessory inserted.
To install a different collet, remove the collet
nut and the collet already in place. Insert the
unslotted end of the collet in the hole at the
end of the tools’ shaft. Replace collet nut on
the shaft and tighten.
Unscrew the housing nut (A) Fig.3 and remove
it. The collet nut (B) and the 1/8” collet (C)
must be kept in place. Mount the Flex Shaft by
placing the inner shaft (D) into the tools’ chuck,
secure it in place by tightening the collet nut.
Then using the Flex Shaft housing nut (E), fix
the Flex Shaft to the rotary tool by turning it
Before operating, make sure you have read all
previous safety precautions before operating
your rotary tool. The real secret to your rotary
tool is its speed. A typical electric drill is a
low-speed, high torque tool. The rotary tool is
the opposite, it is a high-speed, low torque
tool. So please do not apply pressure on the
tool, simply hold it and guide it, the speed will
do the rest.
Cable de energía y
protector del cable
Gancho para
Figura 3
Figura 2
Summary of Contents for PT113001
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