Forbes Marshall Pilot Operated Pressure Reducing Valve
Before undertaking the following fault finding procedure, ensure the valve has been isolated and
that upstream & downstream pressures are zero. Possible fault checks are given in a logical order
below. A pressure reducing valve typically has the following failure modes:
Downstream pressure zero or too low:
If downstream pressure of Forbes Marshall Pilot Operated Pressure Reducing Valve is zero,
please check following before dismantling the Forbes Marshall Pilot Operated Pressure
Reducing Valve.
Downstream pressure gauge: - Please ensure that it should be in working condition.
Upstream pressure: - It Should be as per the pressure reducing valve upstream design
Isolation valve not fully Open - Ensure Upstream & Downstream Isolation valves are in
full open condition
Upstream Strainer Clogged – Ensure upstream Strainer is in clean condition: Clean it if it
is found as clogged.
Failure Mode
Possible Cause
pressure zero
or too low
Pressure adjustment bolt
Please ensure that pressure adjustment bolt is not in
loose condition. If so, rotate it clockwise slowly to set the
desired downstream pressure.
Clogging in pressure
reducing valve
Ensure Pilot valve strainer, Control pipe assembly &SS hex
coupling fixed to bottom diaphragm chamberare clean. If
found clogged clean it properly. Check the internal
balancing line for blockage.
Main Diaphragms
If main diaphragms are permanently deformed or
punctured - replace the same.
Jamming of push rod
Please check if Push rod is jammed in liner bush at lower
position. Open & clean it.
Main valve lift disturbed:
Check that pushrod lock nut is intact & it is in full
tightens condition. If it is loose there is a chance that the
main valve lift may be reduced. To re adjust the main
valve lift, Please refer the main valve lift setting video clip.