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Visualization on display
No Ignition
Fault 1 Flame ignition did not take place within the device safety time interval for 3
consecutive times
False Flame
Fault 2
False flame detection
high Temperature
Fault 3
The device safety thermostat was triggered due to high temperature
Fan speed
Fault 5
Fan speed is not detected
Flame circuit
Fault 8
Flame (circuit) detection fault
Gas valve
Fault 9
Gas valve (circuit) fault
Fault 13
Repeated faults after 5 manual resets within less than 15 minutes.
Switch the device power supply off and on again.
Internal board/device
Fault 21
Internal board/device malfunction
CRC connection
Fault 25
CRC Connection Fault
Flow probe short circuit
Fault 30
The flow probe detected a temperature
outside the allowed range (probe short circuit)
Flow probe - circuit open
Fault 31
The flow probe detected a temperature
outside the allowed range (probe circuit open)
Return probe short circuit
Fault 43
The return probe detected a temperature
outside the allowed range (probe short circuit)
Return probe - circuit open
Fault 44
The return probe detected a temperature
outside the allowed range (probe circuit open)
safety stop
The table below lists the faults/malfunctions that cause a Safety Stop.
To restore normal operating conditions:
- Disconnect the device from the power and gas supply
- Remove the cause of the fault
The device will restart automatically upon receiving the first heat request.
Visualization on display
Fault 7
Flue gas temperature out of safety limit
High Flow/Return ΔT
Fault 11
Flow/Return ΔT >5°C for at least 5 seconds, in stand-by,
continuously measured
Fault 15
Upon start-up: (Flow Temp. - Ret. Temp.) > 3°C
Fault 16
Upon start-up Flow Temp. does not vary by at least 1°C
Fault 17
Upon start-up Return Temp. does not vary by at least 1°C
Fault 18
Generic sensor fault, reading out of safety limit
DhW probe short circuit
Fault 32
The DhW probe detected a temperature
outside the allowed range (probe short circuit)
DhW probe - circuit open
Fault 33
The DHW probe detected a temperature outside the allowed range (probe
circuit open)
Mains voltage low
Fault 34
The mains voltage is low (V<230-15%)
Water pressure low
Fault 37
The water pressure switch detects a low pressure
Timeout water pressure
Fault 41
The water pressure update frequency is too low
Flue gas probe short circuit
Fault 45
The flue gas probe is in short circuit or detected a flue gas temperature
outside the allowed range (probe short circuit)
In case of a malfunction, the device performs a safety shutdown or a safety stop, based
on the type of fault/malfunction that occurred, which is shown on the device display.
Error message
Probe open health
safety shutdown
The table below lists the faults/malfunctions that cause a Safety Shutdown.
To restore normal operating conditions:
- Disconnect the device from the power and gas supply
- Remove the cause of the fault
- Restart the device.