Instructions for the user
1.14.3 DHW function
DHW production function is enabled on model KC and on KR/KRB models with external water heater (optional).
DHW production function is enabled in one of the following operating modes: SUMMER or WINTER.
Such function has always priority over CH water supply.
To set the domestic hot water temperature, press DHW +/- buttons.
During temperature setting, the
symbol flashes on the screen and the DHW current temperature setting is displayed.
Model KC
For KC model, DHW temperature may be set within a range from +35 °C to +57 °C.
A flow limiter is installed within the boiler, which limits DHW output flow rate.
This limit value is: 10 litres per minute for KC 12 model; 13 litres per minute for KC 24 model, 14 litres per minute for KC
28 model, and 16 litres per minute for KC 32 model.
Models KR/KRB
On KR/KRB models with external water heater (optional) and water heater temperature probe (optional, supplied by the manufacturer;
included in the standard supply for KRB model), temperature range is between 35 °C and 65 °C.
On KR/KRB models with external water heater (optional) and water heater probe (optional, supplied by the manufacturer), every 15
days the anti-legionella function will be enabled, consisting in raising the water heater temperature to 65°C for 30 minutes indepen-
dent of other settings.
1.14.4 Comfort function (model KC only)
The COMFORT function keeps the plate heat exchanger hot, to minimise the waiting time for the production of DHW.
Enable COMFORT function by pressing the corresponding button on the display (see Comfort function enable/disable on page
1.14.5 Freeze protection function
This boiler is fitted with a freeze protection system, which works when the following functions are activated: OFF/SUMMER/WINTER/
The freeze protection function only protects the boiler, not the whole heating system.
The central heating system can be effectively protected against icing by using specific anti-freeze products that are suitable for multi-
metal systems.
Do not use anti-freeze products for car engines, and check the effectiveness of the product used over time.
In case burner cannot be ignited due to the lack of gas, the freeze protection functions are anyway enabled through the circulation
pumps. Ambient probe freeze protection function
If the boiler board is OFF, or DHW ONLY, and the ambient probes detect a temperature below 5°C, a heating request to heat the
probe-controlled room is launched.
The heating function ends when the probe ambient temperature reading r6°C. Flow freeze protection function
When the heating water temperature sensor detects a water temperature of +5 °C, the boiler switches on and stays on at its minimum
heat output until the temperature r30 °C or 15 minutes have elapsed.
The pump continues to operate even if the boiler shuts down.