Manual # 26-0206000-00 / Revision A
BlendPRO – Wide Screen Image Processor 37
justified, however, center-justified images can also be accommodated by using the source offset adjustments in the
BlendWizard to align the source material.
Using BlendPRO with Folsom Scalers
The use of Folsom Seamless Switcher/Scaler products with BlendPRO provides the capability to display any image
source on wide screen. When displaying an image across multiple projectors to create a wide screen display, the
amount of zoom required to expand the source image must be considered. Low resolution images from sources such
as cameras and DVD’s do not show well when expanded beyond 2 to 1 zoom ratios and in most cases should only
be used in Picture-In-Picture (PIP) windows layered over a high-resolution background. Full wide screen high-
resolution images can best be attained using sources such as HDTV, multi-head graphics cards, high-resolution
computers and synchronized tape rolls.