The waste hose is not fully emptied
during calibration process
During the calibration process the last step is emptying pump/s B
and C by delivering the water to your collecting cylinder via the
waste hose. These pumps runs with huge margins, so in normal
case this is 100% automatic. But if the waste hose for some
unpredictable reason is not fully emptied, then press “Pump C
extra prime” a few times before you read the measuring cylinder.
The results from Mastertronic are not the same as
from my manual test or ICP test
If Mastertronic is correctly calibrated by the user and you use up to date reagents,
the accuracy is as stated below.
If you want to double check a result, which is always a good practice from time to
time, you can do it in this way:
Use a manual hobby test kit, not out of date. Do a measurement with this test kit on a
reference fluid (ATI has one for instance), and calculate a correction factor. Now do a
test with the manual test kit also on your tank and correct the measured value with
the factor. Now this value is very likely to be the true value. This value should be
close to a fresh Mastertronic measurement, within its stated accuracy.
Concerning ICP and PO
its also worth to take note: ICP measures all phosphorus,
not just the inorganic PO
. That means that if the sample to the ICP contains some
organics, ICP may give you a false high value of PO
, as ICP just measures the P
atoms, and does not take into account where this P atom is coming from. This P
value is then assumed by the ICP algorithm to have its origin come 100% from PO
which is not fully the truth. So for that reason, it´s not always fully correct to compare
an ICP based ”PO
” with a measured one. The ICP can, due to the reasons above,
sometimes give false high results for PO
I have to press on reagent brand name to see
updated content in vial
This is because you haven't set a schedule. Just make a schedule in the week
calendar, and the information of reagent content is automatically updated when open
the parameters page.