DO also experiment with the surface that the iTrack Pocket sits on when recording. You will
most likely place it on a convenient table to begin with, and obviously you will want to sit or stand
where the camera can get a good image of you. But be aware that the optimum position for video
capture may not be the optimum position for good sound quality. In particular, the table’s surface
will have a significant effect on how the recording sounds – a glass table top will colour the sound
quite differently to a wooden one with a tablecloth. Try raising the iTrack Pocket above the table
top by standing it on a pile of books or something similar (the box the iTrack Pocket came in
might be suitable) to reduce surface reflections.
DO use the iTrack Pocket’s internal mics to record a guitar amplifier if you want to include the
contribution to the sound that the amplifier makes. But be aware that very high sound levels
which could distort the recording can be produced close to the loudspeaker and if you need high
volume, you will probably get a better result by moving it away from the amplifier. Be aware that
the room’s acoustics will colour the sound, and what you are hearing from your amp won’t be
exactly the same as what the mics pick up.
NEVER forget that microphones are utterly unforgiving – they will not only pick up what you are
trying to record, but any other sound source in the room, like a clock, the aircon, heating, or a
chair creaking. You know how you take those holiday photos of a great bit of scenery and it’s only
when you look at the pictures later that you see the power cables right across the view? It’s the
same with recording. You might not notice extraneous sounds at the time, but the mics will and
you’ll hear them on the recording.
DON’T forget that the camera is equally unforgiving! If the table you’re standing the iTrack Pocket
on is littered with sheets of paper covered in words and chords, or if empty coffee cups feature
strongly, it won’t look professional to your viewers. Make sure there’s nothing in view that will
be embarrassing once you’re famous! Think about what’s behind you as well – a fridge covered
in magnetic letters, perhaps? You probably don’t want to have anything that could identify you
or your home visible to the camera. Remember, the Internet is a very public place, and your
recording will be available for a long time!