Pro AV 1600 User's Manual
3.1.7 Coarse Genlock H Position (Range) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control adjusts the relative horizontal picture position of the Television Output with respect to a Reference
Television signal. This control is only operational when using the Genlock capability of the Pro AV 1600.
3.1.8 Genlock Subcarrier Phase (Range) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control adjusts the relative Subcarrier Phase of the Television Output with respect to a Reference Television
signal. This control provides slightly more than 180 degrees of variable phase control and most be used in conjunction
with the Genlock Subcarrier Phase Reverse Control to establish 360 degrees of phase control. This control is only
operational when using the Genlock capability of the Pro AV 1600.
3.1.9 Genlock Subcarrier Phase Reverse (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote
This control selects 180 degrees of Television Output Subcarrier Phase shift with respect to a Reference Television
signal. This control is only operational when using the Genlock capability of the Pro AV 1600.
3.1.10 Genlock Termination (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control applies a 75 Ohm termination to the Genlock input. This control is always operational.
3.1.11 NTSC/PAL (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control selects between PAL and NTSC operation. Set this control to PAL for European operation. Set this
control to NTSC for American operation.
3.1.12 Flicker Reduction Filter (Multiple)
This control operates the Flicker Reduction Filter. Flicker filter settings from 0 (Flicker Filter is Off) to 7 (Flicker
Filter is at a maximum) are available. The display will indicate “FLK FLT = #” where # is the current setting of the
Flicker Filter.
3.1.13 Brightness Boost (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control applies a Brightness Boost to the Television Output. Set “BRIGHT MAX” to raise the brightness of the
Television Output. Set “BRIGHT NORM” to set the Television Output to regulation brightness level.
3.1.14 Freeze Frame (Toggle)
This control freezes the output video of the Pro AV 1600. Select “INPUT FROZEN” to freeze the picture. Select
“INPUT LIVE” to view live input.
3.1.15 IR Remote Disable (Toggle) (Not Available from IR remote mouse)
This control disables the operation of the IR remote mouse. Select “IR ON” to enable the operation of the remote
mouse. Select “IR OFF” to disable the operation of the IR Remote Mouse and prevent IR conflicts.
3.1.16 Colorbar Pattern Enable (Toggle) (Not available from the IR Remote Mouse)
This control enables the Colorbar pattern to be displayed at the television output. Use the Colorbar test pattern to
test for successful connection of the Pro AV 1600 to the television device; no input source is required. Select
“COLORBAR ON” to enable the color bar pattern to be displayed at the output. Select “COLORBAR OFF” for
normal operation.
3.1.17 YUV /RGB Selection mechanism (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control selects the color space of the component output. Select “RGB OUTPUT” for RGB appearing on the
R-Y, Y and B-Y connectors respectively. Select “YUV OUTPUT” for BetaCam levels of R-Y, Y and B-Y
appearing on the R-Y, Y and B-Y connectors respectively.