Day/Date field –
In this field you have the option of either typing in a specific date (e.g. 01/01/02), a
day of the week, or a wild card (*) character (see Note), that allows for multiple day of the week selections.
To type in a specific date double click in the Day/Date field and highlight the month, day, or year and type
in a new value. To select a specific day of the week double click in the field, click on the pull-down menu
and highlight a specific day.
Time field –
When you double click in the time field a separate Timer window pops up. The Timer
window allows you to enter a specific time based on a 12 or 24 hour clock.
Time Mode field –
The Time Mode field is used to quickly identify the time mode (12 or 24 hour) of
FireWriter. When you first load the project scheduler you should change this field to reflect the correct time
mode of FireWriter (see FireWriter Instruction Manual Chapter 18 – Clock and Date Features). The Time
Mode field also indicates the Month/Day or Day Month configuration of (see FireWriter Instruction
Manual Chapter 18 – Clock and Date Features). To set the time mode double-click in the field, click on the
pull-down menu and make the proper selection.
You can make a project automatically repeat the trigger event every hour, every day, etc. To do this, use
wild card
characters for some of the digits in the time and date. The wild card character is the asterisk (*).
The selected project is triggered when the time and date set equal the actual time and date; wild card
characters match any digit. For instance, if the tens digit of the hours setting is a wild card, a trigger will
occur every ten hours. To use wild-card characters, place asterisks (Shift + *) within the time and/or date
you type in.