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Release Sensor:
You may want to release paired sensors prior to passing the sensors to another
user or return the sensors for replacement purpose. Select “Release
(Total/sensor)” under Main Menu on in-car unit and then select “Release
sensor”. Follow the steps as indicated by the InCar unit.
Return sensors have to be released in order to claim for warranty.
Tire Inflation/Deflation
To Inflate/Deflate the tire user just need to unscrew the sensor, inflate/deflate
the tire then screw back the sensor on tire valve. Users do not need to release
or disable the sensor.
Drop & Hook
FOBO Ultra System offers Drop & Hook for easy attachment to and
detachment from the trailers of prime mover. It enables harvesting of sensor
data by clusters of individual sensors and then transmits the data amongst
inter-connected cluster to the In-Car unit. FOBO Ultra system can display up
to 46 wheel positions with a combination of 1 In-Car + 1 Repeater cluster.
For example, for a prime mover that hauls 1 trailer, FOBO Ultra allows 1 In-
Car unit for the prime mover and 1 repeater unit for the Trailer. 1 In-Car unit
can monitor up to a cluster of 22 sensors while Repeater unit can monitor up
to a cluster of 24 sensors. Each Repeater unit can be independently controlled,
programmed and monitored.
To HOOK a trailer:
Select “Drop & Hook” in the Main Menu of In-Car unit.
Select “Hook a trailer”.
Upon selecting, the in-car unit will scan for available trailers nearby in
Bluetooth range.
List of available trailers will be displayed on the in-car unit screen.
Select the desired trailer from the list which you would like to Hook.
To confirm press “Yes”.
Once hooked you will see “Hook successful” message will appear on
the screen.