©2021 Ferguson Enterprises, LLC 0721 2945816
We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or
specifications of our products at any time without notice.
Refer Appendix section A1 for applicable standards.
4.2.1 The valve shall be in the closed position during
installation process, except in case of fail OPEN
valves; in such case additional care shall be taken
not to damage the disc surface by any debris.
4.2.2 The pipes must be properly aligned, and
provisions made to minimize stresses from
thermal expansion. Always review pipe
manufacturer's recommendations.
4.2.3 In cases of pipes with long overhangs, adequate
support shall be provided at the flange ends of
the pipe to avoid bending of pipes due to weight
of the valve. Refer to Fig. 5.
4.2.4 Align the bolt holes of the valve end flange and
pipe flange.
4.2.5 Insert gasket and tighten the bolts. Flange bolts
shall be tightened evenly, using a torque wrench,
in cross rotation to prevent damage to flanges.
4.2.6 For sequence of tightening of bolts. Refer to
Appendix, section A2.
Fig. 5
Support to the valve (picture for reference).
Carefully unpack the valve and check for tags or
identification plates, etc. If the nameplates and/
or tags are lost or destroyed during shipment or
storage, or if it is not legible, contact an FNW or
manufacturer representative for assistance before
installing the valve.
4.1.2 Check valve for any damage and check condition
of end protectors. Upon discovery of any damage,
contact an FNW or manufacturer representative
prior installation.
4.1.3 Look for any special warning tags or plates
attached to the valve; if there are any, take
appropriate action.
4.1.4 HPA Series butterfly valves are recommended to
mount the valve in the preferred flow.
4.1.5 Never install the valve with the actuator on the
underneath side of the pipeline. Refer to Fig. 4.
4.1.6 It is recommended to remove all foreign particles
from the pipeline by flushing it with a suitable
fluid. Corrosion inhibitors shall be added to the
flushing medium to prevent any corrosion from
trapped fluids.
4.1.7 Remove the valve end protectors and protective
sheath within the flow bore of the valve.
4.1.8 After removal of end protectors, thoroughly clean
valve ports and cavities and ensure the flange
gasket faces are free from dust or debris.
4.1.9 Gasket contact faces of the valve and pipe flanges
shall be inspected thoroughly for scratches or
any defects.
4.1.10 After cleaning, operate the valve for at least two
complete cycles before installing.
Fig. 4
Incorrect mounting position (picture for reference).
If valve is not cleaned or if cleaning is done
only after valve installation, valve cavities
may form a natural trap in the piping
system and any impurities not dissolved or
washed out by the flushing fluid/line fluid
may settle in such cavities and adversely
affect valve performance.
Only properly qualified personnel must do
the installation.