This option is very important if you are still in acute danger after having deployed the
standard Safetysystem (e.g. when kite kite/lines are caught up in a boats propeller),
or if the Safetysystem doesn’t work (e.g. wrong use, in extremely gusty winds etc.).
Please remember that, in this scenario it is possible for your kite to fly away and
potentially harm other beach users downwind of you.
Never launch a kite, if the wind picks up and the size of your kite is
inappropriate. Never overestimate your kiting ability in stronger winds! No
safety-system will be able to help!!
The worldwide analysis of accidents shows how the endangerment increase is
above average. Especially during onshore wind and stronger winds (cold front,
thunderstorm …) you are in great danger. If you are lifted several metres, a
safety-sytem won’t help!!!
The RKL enables multiple rotations of the bar without getting the Safety-System
tangled around the depowerloop. After about 100 rotations in one direction, the thin
depower-line should be untwisted. It is also important to make sure that it isn’t
tangled up with the steering-lines (chapter 5.3.).
Anyone who prefers the STANDARD KITE-LEASH can certainly upgrade their
3.2. PullStopSystem (PSS)
The Pull-Stop-System enables the kite to blow out completely and eliminate all
restpull. Once the kite has landed in safety-mode, pull slowly on the red or green
leader-line until the kite is lying flat and has lost the remaining pull.
When using a larger kite, the kite can blow out even better if you release the safety
line from the harness. But the kite could fly away if you let go and potentially harm
other people downwind of you.
To relaunch, slowly let go of the pulled leader-line whilst still in safety-mode.
In strong winds we recommend to swim towards the kite just as much as pulling
yourself along the ROTOR-LEASH, this counteracts the rest-pull in safety-mode.
The Pull-Stop-System isn’t needed for the ROOKIE², because it loses all of its air
when in safety-mode and consequently can’t build up anymore pressure.
Please remember: Never launch a kite if the wind picks up, even if you think
you still have control. A safety-system won’t help.