Flyron Technology Co., Ltd.
FN-AL6T Multifunctional MP3 Player
E-mail: [email protected]
Refer to the image below.
9). Safely remove the USB cable from computer.
10). Apply power to the equipment and push any of 6 buttons to play back a corresponding sound.
Notes: 1). If the total of 6 audio files is less than 4Mbytes, it’s fine to directly use the built-in flash memory. If they are
larger than 4Mbytes, please use a micro card instead. Even though you use a micro SD card to load audio
files, the configuration file must be saved into the built-in flash memory first. The configuration file saved in
micro SD card is not workable. Please just save audio files only in micro SD card.
2). Any of the 5 assistant work modes(from “7” to “B”) can be set for any of the 6 trigger inputs as well when
using this file loading method. It’s also fine all of these 5 assistant work modes are set at the same time for 5
of 6 trigger inputs.
3.2.2. Files Loading Method for Triggering Mode 5
The trigger mode 5(Play Next in Folder) is a special feature of this device that is able to meet some special applications. In this
mode we suggest users directly use a micro SD card to store the audio files. When building the configuration file, please fill in the
number “555555”. In this way all of the 6 trigger inputs will be worked in mode 5(Play Next in Folder). It’s also fine if you just want
the first 3 trigger inputs to be worked in mode 5, and the latter 3 trigger inputs to be worked in the other modes like filling in the
number”555012”. Let’s take all of the 6 trigger inputs to be worked in mode 5 as example. Please refer to the steps below on how
to load the audio files.
1). Firstly connect the device(without micro SD card) to computer using an Android phone purposed USB cable, and copy the
ready configuration into the flash memory of the device. See the image below.
2). Safely remove the device/built-in flash memory from computer.
3). Insert the micro SD card onto the device and connect the device again to computer. Now the the micro SD card will be detected
on computer. Make sure it’s empty. If not, please get it emptied.