Flyron Technology Co., Ltd.
FN-AL6T Multifunctional MP3 Player
E-mail: [email protected]
extension “.txt” must be changed to “.cfg’’, otherwise the file is not workable. Refer to the image below.
3.2. Audio Files Loading
See the image below. There is a micro USB socket on the device, and users can connect it to computer through an Android phone
purposed USB cable to load audio files and configuration file. If there is a micro SD card inserted onto the device, the micro SD card
will be detected and displayed on PC working as a USB flash drive. If there is no micro SD card, the built-in flash memory will be
detected and displayed on PC working as a USB flash drive.
3.2.1. Files Loading Method for Trigger Mode 0-4, 6
Except for the trigger mode 5(Play Next in Associated Folder) that supports multiple audio files, all of the other 6 main trigger
modes(0-4, and 6) work based on one-on-one control. 6 audio files need to be directly stored in the root directory of the flash
memory/micro SD card. No folders can be in the ‘root directory’. The arrangements of the audio files are managed by a
physical indexing sequence. In other words, the file that is to be loaded first in the storage device will be associated with input 1.
The last file to be loaded in the storage device will be associated with input 6. In order to guarantee a correct ‘one-on-one’ order,
please refer to the following steps.
1). Build a new folder on the computer and put the 6 audio files into this new folder.
2). Rename the audio files from 001.mp3/wav to “006.mp3/wav”, and make sure they are ranked from “001.mp3/wav” to
“006.mp3/wav” in order.
3). Connect the equipment with computer through the USB cable, and you will see a removable disk.
4). Delete the sample audio files pre-loaded at factory for testing purpose.
5). Back to the folder and select all of the 6 audio files in the folder.
6). Right click on the first file (001.mp3/wav) and choose "Send to removable disk".
7). This should send the 6 audio files to the memory in a correct sequence.
8). Put the prepared configuration file into the root directory together with audio files and then refresh.
Micro USB Port
Volume Control
Audio Output Jack
Micro SD Slot