Flycam Buddy - 2 Axis Gimbal Camera Stabilizer (FLCM-BDY) 7
of Camera
1 click :
Normal mode
2 clicks :
Follow mode
3 clicks :
Calibrate Gyro
4 clicks :
Calibrate Accelerometer
5 clicks :
Manual Tilt Mode
Normal mode -
It will stabilize camera in both axis against any vibrations/movements of gimbal.
Follow Mode -
It will stabilize camera normally but when pitch axis is tilted for a longer time the
camera will slowly follow the pitch angle.
Calibrate accelerometer -
Should be used once when camera position is changed or new camera is
installed. Level the camera and keep it steady till motors are reactivated
Calibrate gyro -
Should be done when new camera is installed. Gyro is temperature sensitive, if gimbal
seems out of control use this function to recalibrate gyro.
M a n u a l T i l t m o d e -
After entering this mode the motors will be deactivated for 5 seconds.
During this time set the camera angle to desired position and gimbal will maintain the position of
camera after 5 seconds. This will change normal position of camera for all future use. If you need to
change enter to this mode and level the camera again.
M o d e s e t t i n g o f F l y c a m B u d d y :
Click on the marked button as shown in the image to set the
mode of Flycam Buddy.
Mode Button