Press Navigation button or Numeric button 2 to locate "Call
History", press left soft key or OK "Confirm", then you'll be able to enter
Call History submenu.
4.4.1 Missed calls
Enter "Missed Calls" menu, display phone number or name (if the
phone number is already in Phone book). Select Missed Call, press left
soft key "Ok" or OK button or right button to check detailed information,
the screen will display the date of the calling, last calling time and
name (if already in the Phone book), phone number and the number of
times called.
When checking detailed information of the Missed Call, press Left
Soft key "option" to find following options:
Dial the phone number.
Send SMS
Send SMS to the phone number.
Delete the record.
Save to Phone book
Store the phone number into Phone book.
Modify the phone number and save or dial.
4.4.2 Received calls
Enter Received Calls Menu, it will display phone numbers list for
current Received Calls. Select phone number record, press left soft
key "Ok" or OK button or right button to check detailed information, the
screen will display the date of the answered call, last answer time and
name (if is already in the Phone book) and phone number.
When checking detailed information of the Answered Call, press
Left Soft key "option" to see items exactly the same as Missed Calls.
4.4.3 Dialled Calls
Enter "Dialled Calls" Menu, it will display phone numbers list for
current Dialed Calls. Select recently dialed phone numbers, press Left
Soft key "Ok" or OK button or Right button to check detailed
information, including date of call, time of call and the dialled number..
When checking detailed information of the "Dialled Calls", press
Left Soft key "option" to find items exactly the same as in Missed Calls.
4.4.4 Delete Call Log
Press Left Soft key "Ok", enter Delete Call History submenu.
When call history is not empty, you will be able to delete call history for
all Call Records, Missed Calls, Answered Calls and Dialed Calls.