LiFT Pack X80 User Guide
4. Safety and Reliability
The battery is completely sealed and requires no watering. There is no danger of acid spills or explosive vapors during
normal use.
4.1 Hazardous Material Information
Federal EPA regulations do not consider completely discharged Flux X80 Batteries to be hazardous waste. There are also
no reporting regulations required for Flux X80 Batteries federally (specifically under the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)). There are
hazmat regulations when shipping lithium-ion batteries, and the shipper must be trained in the proper packaging and
labeling required.
Some state and city regulations differ from federal law. For information on your local regulations contact your local EPA.
Federal regulations are very strict when dealing with lead-acid batteries due to the environmental impacts of heavy metals
(lead) and the inherent dangers present: acid spills, explosive gases, and lead poisoning. A Flux X80 Battery has none of
these dangers, so is not subject to the associated regulations.
4.2 What to do if a Cell Breach Occurs
If a cell breach occurs open the doors and windows to allow ventilation. Do not use water to clean up the electrolyte, but
instead use absorbent material. Place the contaminated rags in a metal bin. Avoid breathing the fumes, and in case of
fire, do not use water, use a type D, CO2, Dry Chemical or foam fire extinguisher. For more information contact Flux
Power or refer to the SDS.
The damaged battery and cleaning materials should be placed in a sealed plastic or steel container and disposed of or
recycled using the measures required by your local EPA.
4.3 Power Washing and Water Submersion
The battery can be used in applications that require power washing. When power washing the battery, make sure the
power inlet plug and the data port plug are both firmly in place. The battery should not be used in equipment where
submersion in water for any amount of time is possible. In the event the battery is submerged, please do not attempt to
use or charge the battery. Contact Flux Power Support.
5. Recycling/Disposal
5.1 Disposal
Lithium-ion batteries are not specifically discussed in the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
However, given the federal requirements for hazardous materials, a completely discharged lithium iron phosphate cell is
material. States and cities may have more stringent regulations in place, some of which
blanket all lithium-ion batteries as hazardous waste, while others classify them as normal waste. The Flux X8 Battery End
of Life Guide and Guarantee ensures full compliance with laws and the highest environmental standards. The guide is
available and can be requested by contacting Flux Power Support.