Users Manual, Rev. 1.1, Jan 2019
4.4 Sighting Tube (A-ST-xx)
The sighting tube is used in environmental conditions where reflected energy is a problem. The sighting tube is to
install in conjunction with the mounting flange (A-MF-ST). Fix the mounting flange directly to the ThermoJacket
face. Screw the desired sighting tube into the mounting flange.
Figure 4-5: Installation of the Sighting Tube
Figure 4-6: Dimensions for the Sighting Tube
Available sighting tubes:
Sighting tube made of ceramic (A-ST-CER), resistible up to 1500°C (2732°F)
Sighting tube made of stainless steel (A-ST-SS), resistible up to 800°C (1472°F)
Sighting tube made of carbon steel (A-ST-CS-45), resistible up to 800°C (1472°F), with 45° cut and
condensate outlet
Sighting Tube
Mounting Flange
(A-MF-ST) for
Sighting Tube