Figure 3.5: FM2200 Duo front side (front panel open) and connectors.
Connecting Antennas
Every FM2200 has two N-Female connectors for antennas. As shown in
Fig. 3.5, the connector on the left is usually for the 2.4 GHz antenna while
the connector on the right is usually for the 5 GHz antenna. The antennas
need to be connected using an appropriate low-loss coaxial cable with N-
Male connectors.
The use of a lighting arrestor is strongly recommended for outdoor
Make sure to use a low-loss lighting protector with appropriate frequency
range. Your Fluidmesh Networks’ representative can provide you with ap-
propriate lighting protectors, pre-assembled low-loss coaxial cables and an-
tennas for your application.
Powering on an FM2200
The FM2200 enclosure is equipped with watertight cord-grips for data and
power cables. Data cables (Ethernet or coaxial cables) diameters must fall
within the range 0.19 -0.39 inches (5-10 mm) while the power cable must
be between 0.23 and 0.59 inches (6-15 mm). In order to guarantee proper
sealing, make sure that all the cables connected through the watertight