3. Check to make sure the input power jumpers match the power to be applied to the instrument. See Table 3-2.
4. Apply power to the instrument. Verify the yellow LED is on. Allow the instrument fifteen minutes to warm-up.
5. Verify the mode switch is in the RUN position.
6. Attach a DC voltmeter to P1 with the positive (+) lead to position 3 and the negative (-) lead to position 4.
The terminal block can be unplugged from the control circuit to facilitate easy connections. The terminal
block is used in late production instruments. Early production instruments used a mating cable and
connector. If a cable and connector are required use FCI part number 015664-01 to order.
7. Establish the normal process temperature condition and allow the signal to stabilize.
8. Record the normal temperature signal value.
Normal Temperature Signal = ________ volts DC
The output signal at connector P1 will vary proportionally with the process temperature.
9. Follow either the Detecting Increasing Temperature or the Detecting Decreasing Temperature procedure for
each temperature application alarm.
Detecting Increasing Temperature (high temperature alarm)
1. Slide the mode switch to the CALIBRATE position.
2. Adjust the calibrate potentiometer (R24) until the voltmeter equals the desired temperature signal in Table 3-7.
3. For the appropriate alarm, determine whether the status LED is on or off (red for No. 1 or green for No. 2).
If the LED is off, turn the set point adjustment potentiometer (R26 for alarm No. 1 or R25 for alarm No. 2)
slowly clockwise just until the LED turns on.
If the LED is on, turn the set point adjustment potentiometer (R26 for alarm No. 1 or R25 for alarm No. 2)
counterclockwise until the LED turns off and then slowly clockwise just until the LED turns on.
If this is the only temperature application alarm to be setup, then skip to the Continue With the Temperature
Application procedure.
Detecting Decreasing Temperature (low temperature alarm)
1. Slide the mode switch to the CALIBRATE position.
2. Adjust the calibrate potentiometer (R24) until the voltmeter equals the normal temperature signal.
3. For the appropriate alarm, determine whether the status LED is on or off (red for No. 1 or green for No. 2).
If the LED is on, turn the set point adjustment potentiometer (R26 for alarm No. 1 or R25 for alarm No. 2)
slowly counterclockwise just until the LED turns off.
If the LED is off, turn the set point adjustment potentiometer (R26 for alarm No. 1 or R25 for alarm No. 2)
clockwise until the LED turns on and then slowly counterclockwise just until the LED turns off.
Continue With the Temperature Applications
1. Slide the mode switch to the RUN position.
2. Establish the normal process temperature condition. For the high temperature alarm setups, the status LED
should be off at normal temperatures. For the low temperature alarm setups, the status LED should be on at
normal temperatures.
Doc. No. 06EN003246 Rev. B
3 - 9
Series FlexSwitch