Limitorque L120-85 Installation, Operation and Maintenance FCD LMENIM1202-03-A4 – 06/15
1. Open the Electrical Compartment Cover (piece 200-1) and remove the Conduit Pipe Plugs from the opening(s) most conveniently
located for your power leads and other cabling.
Conduit Pipe
Plug Locations
Conduit Pipe
Plug Locations
Figure 6: Electrical Compartment and Conduit Pipe Plug openings
2. Adjust the Limit Switches, MDPI (Mechanical Dial Position Indicator) and Potentiometer following the procedures outlined in Sections
4.5 and 4.7.
3. Ensure Torque Switch is set properly for your application. In most cases, adjustments are not needed, but if changes are required, see
Section 4.6, “Torque Switch Settings and Wiring”.
4. Connect wiring to Terminal Strips provided on the actuator. Refer to the wiring diagram supplied with your specific actuator. “Fork-
type” terminal connections are recommended.
5. Be sure any unused conduit entrances are plugged with metal Conduit Pipe Plugs.
a) Explosion-proof actuators require approved “sealing fittings” installed in accordance with the National Electric Code.
b) Submersible actuators require approved “sealing fittings” in order to prevent water entering the actuator.
6. Attach grounding wire to Grounding Lug (piece 14).
Figure 7: Grounding Lug location
Grounding Lug