F84L Series Liquid Relief Valve
Rev. J
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This manual is intended to provide users with direction and guidance for the maintenance of
FLOW SAFE F84L Series liquid relief valves. This manual indicates the proper method of valve
disassembly, soft goods replacement, and valve reassembly. FLOW SAFE provides this manual
as a guideline and reference only. It is not intended to serve as a training manual or
manufacturing guide. FLOW SAFE assumes no responsibility for personal or property damage
that may occur in conjunction with this manual.
FLOW SAFE recommends that all valves be placed on a regular maintenance schedule that
includes the routine replacement of softgoods. FLOW SAFE recommends softgoods
replacement every three years but cautions that each customer make their own determination
and set their own schedule based upon use and environment. FLOW SAFE believes that when
maintenance and reassembly is performed as outlined in this manual there is no safety hazard.
During routine maintenance the internal components of the valve should be inspected for damage
or abnormal wear. The valve should also be inspected for excessive corrosion. A corrosion
allowance of 0.06” (1.5 mm) is designed into all carbon steel components subject to corrosion.
Operating the valve with corrosion exceeding this allowance is not recommended.
Cycling the valve at least once a year is considered to be good practice to verify operation and to
confirm that parts are not seized.
When a new valve leaves FLOW SAFE, it has been manufactured and tested by trained and
experienced personnel. When you remove a valve from your system and perform the
maintenance tasks that are outlined herein you will need proper training.
attempt to accomplish these tasks without adequate training and understanding of the
valve operation.
Any and all stated or implied warranties that are in effect during the purchase of a new FLOW
SAFE valve are null and void once the valve has been disassembled by someone other than
approved FLOW SAFE personnel.
All repair and resetting of "UV"-stamped safety relief valves should be performed either by FLOW
SAFE, Inc., or by a National Board-certified valve repair shop holding a "VR" (Valve Repair) or
“T/O” (Test Only) stamp.
It is highly recommended that all instructions herein be read in full prior to any assembly,
disassembly, or operation of this equipment.
The noted manufacturer’s standard lubricants should be used only if compatible with process fluid
and application.
Specific design details described in this document are subject to change without notice.
Should the need arise for general assistance, contact the FLOW SAFE Sales or Service
department at (716) 662-2585 or (800) 828-1036 in Orchard Park NY or (832) 678-2070 in
Houston TX. For more detailed technical assistance, contact the FLOW SAFE Engineering
department at (716) 662-2585.